Richard Koepsel Related Subjects |
Lecture Series on Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Astrology by Richard Koepsel Richard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years (August 1963). His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give".
BASIC ASTROLOGYTopics in Astrology - Introductory to the world at largeAstrological Tools and Technique - A beginning course in getting into astrology
INTERMEDIATE ASTROLOGYCharacter Appreciation With Astrology - An intermediate course in life and astrologyAspects in Spiritual Astrology
ADVANCED ASTROLOGYEphemeral, Horary and Electional AstrologyAstrology. Psychology and Modern MysticismThe aspects in Spiritual Astrology IThe aspects in Spiritual Astrology IIAstrology, Time and Character
"Hence the disciple of the Ancient Wisdom is taught to realize that man is not essentially a personality, but a spirit." (Manly P. Hall)
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA (760) 757-6600 (voice), (760) 721-3806 (fax)
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