Literature Cultural Vehicles: Shakespeare & Sophocles |
Lecture Series on Literature Cultural Vehicles: Shakespeare & Sophocles by Richard Koepsel Richard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years (August 1963). His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give".
William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) - 23 April 1616) The Chandos portrait, National Portrait Gallery, London
Shakespeare LECTURES Audio MP3
LECTURES ON SHAKESPEAREThe Cycle of Christ and Persephone A Winter’s Tale Julius Ceasar A Midsummer Night’s Dream Hamlet
Magic: Black and White + Antony Macbeth The Tempest Antony and Cleopatra
Love and the Law Romeo and Juliet Measure For Measure King Lear The Merchant of Venice
Sophocles (497/6 BC - 406/5 BC)
Sophocles LECTURES Audio MP3
Oedipus Rex Antigone Oedipus at Colonus
"Hence the disciple of the Ancient Wisdom is taught to realize that man is not essentially a personality, but a spirit." (Manly P. Hall)
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA (760) 757-6600 (voice), (760) 721-3806 (fax)
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