
 Centro Autorizado do Rio de Janeiro


Richard Koepsel








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Mr. Richard Koepsel Lecture  Series



Richard Koepsel


Richard Koepsel has  been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years. His  view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give".


Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology


Solar eclipse  http://www.8planets.co.uk/facts-about-solar-eclipses


Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology

A horoscope captures a moment of time from a given location in space. Natal astrology is a specialized branch of astrology that examines the character and course of the life of someone reborn at a given time and place. Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology are also specialized branches of astrology.

Ephemeral astrology is the study of the ongoing passage of time and things that occur within its potential. It does not require the use of horoscopes. This series of talks on ephemeral astrology tries, in a small way, to look at the components of a moment in time by examining a few of the major cycles that contribute to that moment. It is far from exhaustive but it does demonstrate the thesis. This most recent version has fewer examples from the research of the speaker than earlier versions. This emendation was done to keep the series from becoming too long.

Horary astrology is the study of answering a given question asked at a given time and place. These talks examine what constitutes a valid question and what does not. It also establishes criteria for determining whether a question is answerable and, if so, things that deny the matter in question. It then goes on to establish criteria for factors to determine the likelihood of a favorable outcome to the question. Some time is spent showing how to locate times, places and people in a horary horoscope. This is followed by analysis of a few horary questions that demonstrate the principles discussed earlier. At the very end of the series is a dubbed mini-talk which is a brief analysis of the event horoscope of the beginning of this series of talks.

Electional astrology is the study of selecting times to start activities. The assumption in horary astrology is that the person asking the question intuited a ripe moment for asking the question. If that is true, the answer should be present at the same time that the question is, as something like a silhouette of the moment. In an electional astrology one analyzes the relationship of a potential action occurring at a given time and place and the heavens at that time and place. If one looks at an election horoscope as though it was a horary horoscope, one should be able to determine whether the election was correct. Three types of election and one hybrid are discussed with examples.

1) A natural election considers the unchangeable astrological nature of the thing(s) in question. For example each plant has an innate, internal astrological correspondence, or a ruler, so the time for planting a garden is a natural election.

2) A performance election considers the ripeness of the talents and faults of the a person(s) vis a vis the heavens at a potential time and place. One elects to do the performance at a time when the talents are accentuated and the weakness are down played. Choosing a time for a musical recital is an example of a performance election. This type of election is sometimes called a natal election because it uses the natal horoscope while the other types of election do not.

3) An artificial election is made when natural factors and performance factors are minimal and the intent of the individual is all-important. Choosing a time to start the writing of a novel when one wants the theme of the novel to be harmonious with the heavens is an example of an artificial election.

The example of a hybrid election (which is a rare type of election) given in this series is a combination of a performance election and a artificial election and a surprise ending brings in something like a natural election where the nature of the individual in question is predetermined by destiny.

Electional astrology is an astrology of the future when our fallen humanity tries freely and consciously tries to re harmonize our activities with the greater harmony of the cosmos.

Listen to audio

Lecture I  -  Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology I

Lecture I  Related Pdf File: Heliocentric System Implicit In The Zodiacal Structure; Table of Diurnal and Nocturnal Rulerships From Preceeding Page; Traditional Designations of Essential Planetary Natures; List of Primary Rulerships Based on Diagrams and Tables Above; Table of Exaltations and Their Geometry in Terms of Aspects.


Lecture II -  Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology II 

Lecture II  Related Pdf File: Autumnal Equinox; Winter Solstice; Vernal Equinox; Summer Solstice.


Lecture III - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology III

Lecture III Related Pdf File: Sample Binary Cycle; 1st,Constructive, Expressive, Active, Externalizing Half; 2nd, Disolving/Redoing, Contempletive, Assimilative Half; Binary Cycle Delineated in Time.


Lecture IV - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology IV


Lecture V  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology V

Lecture V  Related Pdf File: Divinational Astrology, Astrology of the Moment


Lecture VI  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology VI

Lecture VI  Related Pdf File: Factors Which Prohibit or Inhibit Horary Questions of Their Fulfillment ( Strictures or blockages which render questions u nanswerable; Conditions which can stricture, inhibit or partially block a question but not enough to deny its asking or fulfillment; Things that tend to deny, frustrate, discourage the object of the condition some of which are rare. Sometimes descriptors or they denote principles; Factors which discourage or weaken likelihood of accomplishment without denial. Must be weighed and compared with other factors.)


Lecture VII  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology VII


Lecture VIII  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology VIII

Lecture VIII  Related Pdf File: Degrees of Celerity (Location in Time); Distance and Direction (Location in Space); Distant Direction (Signs) ; Local Direction (Houses)


Lecture IX  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology IX

Lecture IX  Related Pdf File: Conditions which bode for success in the question


Lecture X  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology X

Lecture X Related Pdf File: Horary Horoscopes


Lecture XI  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology XI

Lecture XI  Related Pdf File: Rules for Operations


Lecture XII  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology XII

Lecture XII  Related Pdf File: Electional Horoscope ; Natal Tendencies To Stress Or Avoid; Astronomical-Astrological Phenomena Pass; First Pass; First Pass Selections; Second Pass; Final Selections


Lecture XIII  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology XIII

Lecture XIII  Related Pdf File: Culling Questions; Range Questions; Time Questions; Attitude List One; Attitude List Two; Opportunity List.


Lecture XIV  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology XIV

Lecture XIV  Related Pdf File: Conception Horoscopes


Lecture XV  - Ephemeral, Horary and Electional Astrology XV

Lecture XV Related Pdf File: Event - Class Horoscope

This audio is part of the Richard Koepsel Lecture  Series Free Audio Collection











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