Centro Autorizado do Rio de Janeiro |
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Richard Koepsel LECTURE SERIESRichard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years. His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give". Working on Desire&Astrology and the Desire BodySERIES Man, the indwelling Spirit, has at his present stage of development four vehicles through which he functions: the dense body, the vital body, the desire body, and the mind. Although these bodies are closely interrelated and are affected by each other, it is helpful to the student in understanding thoroughly their functions and possibilities to study each one separately and intensively. The desire body of man is his vehicle of feelings, desires, wishes, and emotions. It is responsible for all his actions, reveling in unrestrained motion. If unbridled it makes the body do all the unnecessary and undignified things which are so detrimental to soul growth. However, that temper which is such a great menace when it takes control, may be as effective for service under proper guidance. Hence the temper of the desire body must be controlled but not by any means killed. The Western Wisdom Teachings therefore emphasize the TRANSMUTING of the lower desires into higher ones through service motivated by devotion to high ideals. This generates the Emotional Soul, essential nourishment for the evolving spirit. t The Western Wisdom Teachings therefore emphasize the TRANSMUTING of the lower desires into higher ones through service motivated by devotion to high ideals. This generates the Emotional Soul, essential nourishment for the evolving spirit. WORKING ON DESIRE Currents in the Desire Body: Ordinary Man, Voluntary Clairvoyant and Involuntary Clairvoyant This series was dedicated to the most problematic task of the spiritual life, taming the desire body. The talks first discuss the place of desire in the macrocosm of our evolutionary creation. They then discuss the desire world and the human desire body. After this there is a discussion of process in the desire body after which there is a discussion of the problems in the desire, their origin and history. The final talk is about tools for working on desire.
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Lecture I - Working on Desire I Lecture II - Working on Desire II Lecture III - Working on Desire III Lecture IV - Working on Desire IV Lecture V - Working on Desire V ASTROLOGY AND THE DESIRE BODY Astrology and the Desire Body is an astrological tour of the regions of the desire world using horoscopes of famous people whose horoscopes show them to be concentrated in the various regions of the desire world. Listen to audioLecture I - Astrology and the Desire Body I Lecture II - Astrology and the Desire Body II Lecture III - Astrology and the Desire Body III LECTURE III RELATED HOROSCOPES Lecture IV - Astrology and the Desire Body IV Lecture V - Astrology and the Desire Body V The talks were first offered August 8 through 12, 2005, one of each per day.
This audio is part of the Richard Koepsel Lecture Series Free Audio Collection |
Cosmic Astrology
Richard Koepsel
Helen Keller Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Buckminsfer Fuller William Blake Edward Bulwer-Lytton Henry Cartier-Breson Nikola Tesça 1 Nikola Tesça 2 H Ross Perot
Robert O. Anderson Richard Widmark James Coburn Dorothy Parker Carlo Rubia Ezio Tartantelli Charles Baldellaire Jay Gould Charles Manson
Elizabeth Taylor Gene Autry Eleanor Rooseweldt Lillian Carter Leonard Da Vinci Vincent Van Gogh Pierre Teilhardt de Chardin Thomas Merton Andrew Carnegie Karol Josef Wojtyla Mother Teresa Vito Genowese Robert Mapplethorpe Marquis de Sade Mohan Gandhy
Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil 20521-210 Telefone celular: (21) 9548-7397 - E-mail: rosacruzmhrio@gmail.com
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA (760) 757-6600 (voice), (760) 721-3806 (fax)
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