Centro Autorizado do Rio de Janeiro |
For more free audio talks go to: Mr. Richard Koepsel Lecture Series
Richard Koepsel LECTURE SERIESRichard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years. His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give".
Some Thoughts on Healing & Astrological Homunculi SERIES Some Thoughts on Healing is a discussion of the subject of spiritual and material healing based on various writings of Max Heindel. Topics are taken from Occult Principles of Health and Healing, the CosmoConception and other literature including some of the astrology books. The talks do not build on each other but are more of a miscellany. Special emphasis is placed on the Rosicrucian Fellowship healing service and what we actually do in it. Astrological Homunculi is a study based on the principle of analogy, the hermetic axiom, “as above, so below. . .” However, it is not merely a matter of relating the parts of the body to the zodiac but noting that there are various zodiacal analogs within the various systems and organs of the body such as the spinal vertebrae, the cranial nerves and so on. The talks are not definitive but exploratory and to raise questions for new research. The talks were first offered August 23 through 27, 2010, one of each per day.
Some Thoughts on Healing SERIES
Listen to audioLecture I - Thoughts on Healing I Lecture II - Thoughts on Healing II Lecture III - Thoughts on Healing III Lecture IV - Thoughts on Healing IV Lecture V - Thoughts on Healing V Astrological Homunculi SERIES
Listen to audioLecture I - Astrological Homunculi I Lecture II - Astrological Homunculi II Lecture III - Astrological Homunculi III Lecture IV - Astrological Homunculi IV Lecture V - Astrological Homunculi V
This audio is part of the Richard Koepsel Lecture Series Free Audio Collection |
Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil 20521-210 Telefone celular: (21) 9548-7397 - E-mail: rosacruzmhrio@gmail.com
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA (760) 757-6600 (voice), (760) 721-3806 (fax)
Atualizado em 05 de fevereiro de 2013 All rights reserved A reprodução do conteúdo deste site é permitida, desde que sem fins comerciais e citada a fonte. |