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For more free audio talks go to: Mr. Richard Koepsel Lecture Series Related Lunation Charts Max Heindel Paul Hindemith Annie Lennox John Maynard Keynes Ho Chi Minh Fayne Stewart Pirre Proudhen Salvidor Galo Dali Salvador Dali Karl Marx Georgio Armani Judy Canova Wilt Chamberlain Rush Limbaugh Eritney Sppears Terzin Gyatso Ralph Waldo Emerson Maria Montessori Lewis Carrol Jean Jacques Rousseau Walt Disney Hugo Black Bela Bartok Anais Nin |
Richard Koepsel LECTURE SERIESRichard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years. His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give". CYCLES IN ROSICRUCIAN PHILOSOPHY & THE LUNATION CYCLE Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy shows the ubiquity of cycles throughout the evolutionary creation. The intent is to familiarize ourselves with how various cycles work so we can work with them. After three talks about the life cycle, the cycle of rebirth, one talk is dedicated to the cycle of introversion and extroversion and one talk is dedicated to the grand, cosmological cycle of the evolutionary creation itself. The Lunation Cycle is a study of the most basic cycle of all, the Sun-Moon lunation cycle which Max Heindel mentions so often. The idea is to develop the give and take relationship between two planets in a binary cycle as an example of any kind of cycle. Aspects are seen as turning points in the cycle and horoscopes of famous people with various Sun-Moon aspects are used to illustrate the concepts. The talks were first offered August 21 through 25, 2006, one of each per day.
Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy
Listen to audioLecture I - Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy I Lecture II - Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy II Lecture III - Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy III Lecture IV - Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy IV Lecture V - Cycles in Rosicrucian Philosophy V
The Lunation CycleThe Phases of the Moon
Listen to audioLECTURE III RELATED HOROSCOPES Moon Phases - The Lunation Cycle From: http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/time/phases.jpg
Thisaudio is part of the Richard Koepsel Lecture Series Free Audio Collection |
Lecture III Related Horoscopes Arthur Ashe Art Bell Jimmy Hofta Marquis de Sade George W. Bush Billie Holiday Chet Baker Jim Bakker River Phoenix Bob Darin Norman Vince Peale Sri Orobindo Less Diamond Joseph Campbell Reembrandt Van Rijn Amachi Amachi Edgar Bergan Meher Baba Buekminster Fuller RupertBrooke Rachel Carson Henry Ford Heber Spencer EECummings Michael Jackson Thomas Merton Related Subjects By Max Heindel
Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil 20521-210 Telefone celular: (21) 9548-7397 - E-mail: rosacruzmhrio@gmail.com
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Atualizado em 05 de fevereiro de 2013 All rights reserved A reprodução do conteúdo deste site é permitida, desde que sem fins comerciais e citada a fonte. |