Centro Autorizado do Rio de Janeiro |
For more free audio talks go to: Mr. Richard Koepsel Lecture Series
Richard Koepsel LECTURE SERIESRichard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years. His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give". Coevolution & Octave Astrology Coevolution is a series of talks about our relation to other creative waves in our evolutionary creation. The stories of the lovers of Zeus, the titans, goddesses, nymphs and humans are used to get at our relations with those who are our equals as well as those who may be above us or below us with regard to evolutionary experience and what our attitude toward each should be. Octave Astrology is a study of the higher planetary octaves: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Again the study utilizes horoscopes of famous people to illustrate specific points. Special emphasis is placed on why spiritual astrologers designate different octaves than materialistic astrologers. The talks were first offered August 8 through 12, 2011, one of each per day.
"Tender" by Jeff Lee Johnson http://www.elfwood.com/~thejeff/Tender.3531289.html
Listen to audioOctave Astrology Pluto and his satelite Charon http://www.astrotheme.com/images/pluton_charon.jpg
Listen to audioLecture III Related Horoscopes
This audio is part of the Richard Koepsel Lecture Series Free Audio Collection |
Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil 20521-210 Telefone celular: (21) 9548-7397 - E-mail: rosacruzmhrio@gmail.com
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA (760) 757-6600 (voice), (760) 721-3806 (fax)
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