Centro Autorizado do Rio de Janeiro |
Richard Koepsel
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Richard Koepsel LECTURE SERIESRichard Koepsel has been a student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship for just about 50 years. His view of it all is "Freely have ye received, now freely give". Aquarian Age Series Aquarius by Johfra
Microcosm Lecture Series Transitioning Into The Aquarian Age Transitions into the Aquarian Age We are approaching the Aquarian Age. It is important that we, as spiritual aspirants, keep in consciousness both our microcosmic and macrocosmic duties, i.e. that we tend to the spiritual responsibilities of our personal lives and that we work and use our consciousness to help humanity at large to make the transition into the Aquarian Age as smoothly as possible and to the benefit of all. These lectures were offered to bring attention to both of these responsibilities. The first three lectures introduce the topic of the precession of the equinoxes, give some examples of correlations of astronomy and history, give a large scale overview of the series via astro-mythology and astrological examples, and give a brief study of how spiritual students can look at history in terms of the evolution of consciousness. The next few lectures relate some of the principles of each of the other signs and constellations to Aquarius and the Aquarian Age. In doing this a new form of precessional zodiology is introduced to derive these principles . As the principles are understood, their significance to our times is indicated as well as what we can do to serve in the process. Then several lectures are dedicated exclusively to some of the principles of Aquarius and how we can participate in bringing on the Aquarian Age optimally by understanding what goals are possible in that age. Finally there is a dénouement and an astrological study of timing in our times. There are 26 lectures of from 75 to 120 minutes. The latest version, which is the most complete and mature, was offered from September 2008 to May 2010. An earlier version may be added late for those who are interested in how thought develops and evolves.
Great Month, Zodiac Age. Picture from http://revnadinedraytonkeen.wordpress.com/tag/age-of-aquarius/ The spring equinox entered the constellation of Pisces around A.D. 498 and will continue to be in Pisces until around A.D. 2638. Christ called his disciples to be "fishers of men" and the Bishop's miter is in the form of a fish's head. The spring equinox will be in the constellation of Aquarius from about A.D. 2638 to A.D. 4700.
Transitions into the Aquarian Age
Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil 20521-210 Telefone celular: (21) 9548-7397 - E-mail: rosacruzmhrio@gmail.com
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