Tomás de Kempis


(Kempen, Renânia, 1379 ou 1380 - 25 de julho de 1471, mosteiro de Saint Agnetenberg, Zwolle)


El signo de la Cruz estará en el cielo cuando el Señor venga

Para juzgar. Entonces todos los servidores de la Cruz, que

En vida se han conformado con el Crucificado, se acercarán

Al Cristo con gran resolución.




Tomás de Kempis, também conhecido como Tomás de Kempen, Thomas Hemerken, Thomas à Kempis, ou Thomas von Kempen , foi um monge e escritor místico alemão. São-lhe atribuidas cerca de 40 obras, o que o tornam o maior representante da literatura devocional moderna. Um dos textos que lhe são atribuidos é o Imitação de Cristo, obra de inegável influência no cristianismo.

Thomas a Kempis em   Monte Agnes.  Pintura  de autor desconhecido do Séc. XVII

Monumento em Mount Saint Agnes in Zwolle, Holanda. "Aqui Thomas à Kempis viveu a serviço do Senhor e escreveu "Imitação de Cristo"


"Every man naturally desireth to know, but what does knowledge avail without the fear of God. Surely, an humble husbandman that serveth God is better than a proud philosopher who studies the course of the heavens, and neglecteth himself.....The more thou knowest, the heavier will be thy judgment unless thy life be also the more holy. Be, therefore, not puffed up, but rather fear for the knowledge that is given thee. If it seem to thee that thou knowest much, remember that there are many things which thou knowest not. Thou knowest not how long thou mayest prosper in well doing."

- Thomas de Kempis


Em diversas ocasiões e em diversos de seus escritos , Max Heindel recomendou a leitura devota do livro IMITAÇÂO DE CRISTO, de Thomas de Kempis.


"My own special book has been THE IMITATION OF CHRIST by Thomas a Kempis. It is a wonderful volume. There is not a case in life that cannot find some fitting passage in this book; and the more one reads it the more one loves it. You probably know the residents on Mt. Ecclesia take turns alphabetically at reading during the morning and evening services. Whenever it comes my turn I pick up Thomas a Kempis and read a chapter, starting at the beginning and going through to the end. Then one can being over again. There is never a dull moment in the whole book, and it would be well for students who feel the desire for something to accelerate their devotional nature, to take up this little book as a reading. It can, I believe be procured from most book sellers all over the world.  (...) Let us remember that we should not seek after knowledge simply for the sake of knowledge, but only as a means to the living of a better and a purer life, for that alone justifies it. "

- Max Heindel





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Fraternidade Rosacruz Max Heindel - Centro Autorizado do Rio de Janeiro

Rua Enes de Souza, 19 Tijuca,  Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brasil  20521-210 ,

celular:  (21) 9548-7397 ,

Associada a The Rosicrucian Fellowship - Associação Internacional de Cristãos Místicos

2222 Mission Ave. , Mount Ecclesia, Oceanside, CA, USA